My Hospital Bags


8 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child, I began to collect pregnancy magazines.  When my maternity leave began, I excitedly laid out all the magazines and spent my first day putting together what was to become known as “my baby bible.” This “bible” contained everything I needed for the arrival of my baby – what to take to hospital for labour and post labour for me, my baby and not forgetting my husband, the number of clothes a new baby required, essentials for breastfeeding and bottle feeding, bath essentials, sleeping essentials and in and out of  the house essentials.
My daughter Tami bounced into the world in 2003 and thanks to my “bible” I was totally prepared.  And as my friends panicked and prepared for the arrival of their babies, I found myself sharing this list which I had lovingly and meticulously created.  As it became more and more well-known I began to receive calls from further afield.
As a former marketing professional, I began to consider how I could share my now infamous list with the wider public.  Could I set up a baby personal shopping service or perhaps even a baby advisory service? Maybe I could trademark my list and sell it as the “The Baby Bible”? Finally when my son Coby joined our family in 2006 it came to me!  With 2 kids in tow and my marketing brain now working overtime, I came up with myHospitalBag.
Over the years, I spent a lot of time with other new mums and one thing I had noticed was how many of them did not have the time to pack their hospital bags or panicked about the mere thought of what to put into it. I had finally found the perfect way to share my baby bible and myHospitalBag was born. 
I went on to purchase my domain name and excitedly started planning how to turn my idea into reality. However, all plans were put aside with the arrival of our 3rd child, Ari in 2008.  While I was busy packing my own hospital bag, feeding, running after 2 toddlers myHospitalBag had to be put on the back burner while I managed 3 kids.
In 2011 when Ari started nursery I was finally able to put my marketing head back on and get to work on myHospitalBag.  I spent the winter running focus groups to test the idea, the spring sourcing products and slowly my idea came alive! I envisioned the bag containing all the necessities a mum needs for herself and the baby during labour and post labour along with a few nice extras, all packed in a stylish bag that can be reused as an overnight bag.
The idea behind myHospitalBag is to make your 48 hour stay in hospital more comfortable. I have created a bag which gives you the convenience of buying all the items together, taking the stress out of packing your hospital bag and cheaper than buying each item individually.  As a mum of 3, I know how tiring and hard life can be and if I can make having a new born a little easier and bring a smile to your face, I will have succeeded in my aim.

