All pets require a certain amount of care, but dogs are in a league of their own in terms of how much of a commitment they are. However, the rewards far outweigh the pain of having to walk them in the lashing rain, and the 'kisses' and love they give in return is TOTALLY worth it. 


But there is one pretty cool thing about having a furry friend: they are subtly preparing you for your Baby's arrival! 


And picking up all that poo has one good advantage - it's making your stomach strong!  


1. The need you for everything. Literally. 

When they are born, your little baby is so vulnerable and tiny, and rely on you for everything. From being changed to keeping warm, just like your pooch, your baby needs you to keep them alive, basically!  


2. They don’t like having a bath

Have you ever tried to bathe a dog after a mucky forest walk? It’s not exactly an easy task! But at least it’s preparing you for when it’s time to wash Baby... who will squirm and cry at the mere sight of the bath!


3. They need constant care

Bet when you first got your dog you never realised just how much care and attention they require to stay happy and healthy. But at least it means that you won’t be (too) overwhelmed by the amount of work a newborn baby is.  



4. They don’t do well when left alone

Both Baby and Pooch miss you when you are not around – and while it is sweet and cute it can become incredibly upsetting when you actually have to leave them for long periods of time.


5. They wee everywhere... (until fully trained that it!)

Your floor will see more wee in the first few days after you bring your puppy home then it will in a lifetime. 


6. They rely on you to be fed and watered

Although your dog might try to open the fridge door if left to his own devices for too long...


7. They cry if they are left alone too long

And the sounds of an upset baby or a whimpering puppy are the two saddest sounds ever.



8. They need constant love and attention

Which can be a little overwhelming at times, but you absolutely love!  


9. You need to think of them BEFORE you decide to do anything

You can’t drop everything for a last minute city break – things need to be planned!


10. You have to deal with poo on a daily basis 

Picking it up with a plastic bag and carrying it around it exactly the same as carrying a dirty nappy in the baby bag because there is no bin to put it in...


SHARE if your dog taught you more about motherhood than any book! 


