Ah, science - at it again with the bad news.


According to a new study, women are more likely than men to have food allergies - as if we don't have it hard enough already!


The study, which was published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, looked at 2.7 million adults and children who got care at a hospital in Boston.


Researchers were unable to pinpoint exactly why women are more prone to food allergies.


Of the almost 100,000 patients that had food allergies or an intolerance, about half showed symptoms like a rash, coughing or diarrhoea.


Thankfully, only 16 per cent of the subjects had serious anaphylactic reactions to their allergies.


The study concluded that even though the number sounds low, more tests have to be created and carried out on children to identify food allergies as soon as possible.


Woman Licking Ice Cream


According to the study, "the most common allergies were to shellfish, fruits or vegetables, dairy, and peanuts".


In order to treat allergies, doctors are doing some amazing and groundbreaking work.


Dr. Kari Nadeau, the director of the Stanford Alliance for Food Allergy Research, and her team are trying eradicate food allergies by desensitising people to their food allergies. So, in layman's terms, they want to make people immune to food allergies.


It’s risky, but over time, the idea is that they will administer trace amounts of the food into a person's system. The goal is that, eventually, the body will build up its own defence to the allergy.


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