In a world where new and more intensive health and lifestyle studies are being carried out on a daily basis, we can become overwhelmed with conflicting information, but researchers in the US is claiming to have settled a popular parenting myth for once and for all.


According to research carried out by a team of scientists at the University of Richmond, there is absolutely no such thing as ‘baby brain’; the belief that having a child creates a ‘fog’ in new mothers’ minds.


The research showed that while the brain can shrink by up to 7% during pregnancy, it later expands as a mother learns to manage and adapt to her new role and situation in life.


Central to dispelling the ‘baby brain’ myth was the finding that having a baby can actually improve a woman’s performance at work; this is due to the ‘re-wiring’ of the brain to accommodate multi-tasking and an increased need to plan.



The research report, published in the New Scientist journal, read: “There is now a large body of evidence that a woman’s intellect does not suffer in any way after having her baby.”


Now, you and I can attest to getting a little forgetful or hazy on the details after having a baby, so where does this come from? According to the research, what we believe to be ‘baby brain’ is actually the result of society’s perception and conditioning of what motherhood does to our minds – we start to believe that any and every ounce of forgetfulness is a result of 'baby brain'.


What are your thoughts?


