Mornings are always a hectic time in our households, as we run and race after the kids, trying to get everyone organised before heading out the door.


This means that simple chores such as making the beds can fall to the wayside – but is that such a bad thing? According to new research, maybe not.


Researchers at Kingston University have found scientific evidence AGAINST making our beds in the morning, claiming that allergy-causing mites cannot survive in the dry conditions of an unmade bed.



The team focused on dust mites, which feed on human skin cells and produce allergens that can be easily inhaled by us and our children during sleep. These allergens have been linked time and time again to conditions such as asthma as well as other allergies.


Initially, the researchers created a computer model to test how simple and small changes in the home can impact on the number of dust mites who come to visit.


From their research, they concluded that the mites can only survive and thrive by taking in water from the atmosphere – meaning it’s actually healthier for us to leave our beds unmade.



The BBC quotes Dr Stephen Pretlove, who commented: "Something as simple as leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress, so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die."


The team are currently honing their research but believe that it could prove pivotal in reducing the millions splashed out on treating various allergies each year.


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