Most 14 year olds will have learnt to deal with puberty. They will be more interested in getting extra privileges and freedom from their parents.  The majority of 14 year olds will feel pretty happy with themselves as much of the angst from the changes they have been going through levels off and they will be getting used to no longer being a small child. Parents can look forward to fewer mood swings but must be aware of their happy, smiling teen who always seems to want something.
Some of the emotional changes and concerns, your 14 year old will face includes:
14 Year Old Teens need to be liked:
Being liked and fitting in with  group is important to most 14 year olds. They will desperately want to be accepted by their peers. Individuality is not important to them and they are likely to be embarrassed if they are singled out by a teacher. Your teen’s self esteem can suffer if they feel they don’t fit in. To combat this try to get them involved in a club or activity where they may meet like minded friends.
Parents may need to toughen their skin:
Try not to get too offended if your 14 year old is quite vocal about not wanting to be seen in public with you. If they go too far, speak to them and let them know that their words hurt.
Concerned that your 14 year old Teen's Development Isn't Normal?
Many parents of 14 year old teens worry that they socially and emotionally developing either too fast or not fast enough. It is also at this age that parents begin to see warning signs of substance abuse or signs of mental health problems. Adolescence is frequently the time when social and emotional problems arise. If you suspect this is the case for your teen, you should seek help immediately.

