Here at MummyPages HQ, we love nothing more than gushing over the creativity exhibited by dedicated parents and doting relatives who put time and effort into producing the perfect toy for the littlest member of their family.

Just a few months after one dad's incredible workmanship sent social media into overdrive, a devoted uncle has had his creation lauded as Imgur users marvelled at the effort he put into a present for his nephew.

Aware that his own Jeep was held in particularly high regard by his little nephew, one very kindly uncle decided to transform a child's Barbie jeep into a miniature version of his own vehicle.

Sharing a 'before' and 'after' shot of the toy cars online, Bored_at_work15 wrote: "My nephew loves my Jeep, so I bought this barbie Jeep and made it look like mine."

Amassing 2.5 millions views online, the image ignited a discussion which reminded the public of the various ways enthusiastic family members can delight the little people in their lives.

"This is exactly the kind of thing that adults can do for kids relatively easily, but it is special for the kid!" wrote one while another gushed:" Outstanding! It's a small thing to do, but he will remember this forever."

Customising the original with some blue spray paint and a very steady hand, this thoughtful uncle certainly made one little boy's day!


