No matter the cause, a sore throat can be very painful to a toddler.
Once the cause of the sore throat is determined, your child may be given antibiotics which will put them on the road to healing. The sore throat however, remains and will last for several days. There are some things you can do to ease your toddler’s pain.
Offer your child a slightly warm beverage such as tea with honey. Honey is known to be very soothing on a sore throat.
Alternately, an ice cold glass of juice will feel good on your child’s sore throat.
Other cold foods that are easy to swallow like ice cream and freezer pops work as well. Don’t give a child with a sore throat citrus though, as it can irritate the throat more.
Give your toddler the appropriate dose of children's paracetamol or ibuprofen. (Remember, you should never give a child aspirin, which is associated with a rare but serious condition called Reye's syndrome.)

Additionally, a cool mist vaporizer or humidifier in your child's bedroom will moisten the air and soothe his throat.
And of course, give your child lots of attention and affection, which always makes them feel better.

