We all have a stress limit and when we are pushed beyond this, it can lead to a nervous breakdown. While everyone suffers from life’s pressures, it is important that we tackle any issues we have before they spiral out of control because allowing them to build up can have adverse effects on your mental health.
Mums tend to take all of their family's worries on themselves (and then some!) but there comes a time when 'just getting on with it' is not the solution and the problem becomes something you just can't handle alone. Our mental health and emotional wellness is nearly always pushed to the very bottom of our 'to do' list, but our minds can be fragile, especially at times of great change or stress like the birth of a baby or financial issues.
While we all feel overwhelmed or experience some of the below symptoms from time to time, it's important to be aware of just how many of these issues are becoming a regular occurance for you.
Here are the main signs you are heading towards a mental breakdown and need to put yourself first.
1. You’ve been feeling low or depressed for a long period of time.
2. You try to avoid outside social interaction.
3. Your libido is non-existent.
4. You feel embarrassed about how you are feeling.
5. You are not interested in sex or you may experience sexual problems.
6. You are feeling drained and exhausted.
7. You are experiencing irrational outburst of anger.
8. You want to isolate yourself from others in your life.
9. You are struggling to sleep.
10. You are experiencing an irregular heartbeat and an upset stomach, and are feeling sweaty.
11. You feel guilty for everything.
12. You lack excitement and happiness in life.
13. You feel anxious all the time.
14. You feel paranoid over the slightest thing.
15. You can’t think straight and are struggling to focus on simple task.
If you are experiencing the majority of these symptoms, you should speak to someone close to you who can offer you the support you need to improve your mental and emotional wellness. Your GP can offer you advice and recommend helpful services, such as counselling, to help you feel more like your old self again.
For more information on the help available to you when experiencing mental health issues, visit Mind.org.

