1. The ability to understand every language
From baby gurgles to toddler gibberish to teen grunts – Mum understands it all.
2. Shapeshifting
Pregnancy calls for some serious body manipulation to create a brand new shape and mums can do it without even trying.
3. Super speed
Getting urinating babies to their potties in record time.
4. Lie detector
Mums know exactly when their little ones are fibbing.
5. Steel stomachs
Cleaning baby poo, vomit, snot and mushed food without any fuss.
6. Super strength
We can carry toddlers and grocery bags in just one trip.
7. Psychic
Grandparents, mum friends and even GPs may tell her otherwise, but a Mum can sense when something is not quite right with her little one.
8. Super Hearing
The ability to hear a toddler up to mischief from rooms away or to identify her little one’s cry in a crowd.
9. Eyes in the back of our heads
Yes, yes we can see you trying to sneak biscuits from the cupboard.
10. Healing powers
Curing cuts, bruises and tears with a single kiss since the beginning of time.

