What's cuter than a newborn? A newborn in a cape of course! 


When these little superhero capes with baby's initials started showing up beside the incubators of premature babies - parents were delighted and curious. And now the mystery has been solved.


A Canadian nurse named Stephanie Treherne makes these ADORABLE camps for babies that are born too soon. She surprises parents with them and hangs them beside their baby's incubator for them to discover.



Stephanie, who works in Montreal, says she makes the capes to help parents smile despite the worry they face seeing their little ones in the incubator. She has made about 100 of them so far. 


Michelle Campbell was one of the mums who Stephanie helped. The nurse made a cape for her son Benjamin who was born two months early. Michelle told CTV News that she was surprised the concept hadn't been done before:



"Given the hormones and everything, I was very emotional and I just started bawling my eyes out. She was very sweet. When we asked her what brought it on she just said she wanted to do something nice for the babies. It brings a smile to the parents’ faces in a time that’s not so good so it was really special for us to have gotten that.”


Stephanie says the main reason she makes the capes is to show how much respect the nurses have for these tiny fighters. 


 “It represents exactly how we see the babies. These babies are super strong. They fight through so much. They’re just little superheroes.”


And now we have something in our eye.


Both of them. 


