Having a baby is a wonderful experience there is no denying that; from their adorable little smile to the cuddles they give you it is just the best ever.


However, while you are no doubt being constantly warned about the sleepless nights, there are a few other things that you should be aware of ...


1. They’re needy

Oh my how kids are needy! “Mum, can you get me a drink?”, “Mum, I need you to get the teddy I left in my friend’s house”, “Mum, I can’t find my toothbrush”...


2. You will never get a moments peace

Ever. Your little one will even be knocking on the door as you try to go to the bathroom...


3. They will suck up all your money

Even now before you have given birth you will be questioning why you can’t afford that luxury holiday – just take a look at the last nursery bill...


4. They will embarrass you

Whether they pick their nose while meeting the Mother-in-Law or shout out something that will have you willing for the ground to open up right there, they will embarrass you regularly.



5. You will have to touch gross things while trying not to gag

Whether it’s poo on your baby’s back or dealing with a snot downpour when you don’t have a tissue you will need to do these things with a smile...


6. Nice things will get broken

Whatever material item you cherish the most in your home we advise you put it away now – it will get broken, guaranteed!


7. They tell you like it is              

If you have squishy belly, they’ll tell you. If your roots need doing, they’ll tell you. If you’ve eaten more than your fair share of cake, yes, you guessed it, they’ll tell you. You need a thick skin when you’ve got kids!


8. You will do something that goes against your beliefs

Usually heading to a toy store to pick up a €50 game that is guaranteed to be found under the bed in a few weeks, just so they aren’t disappointed on their birthday!


But after all is said and done being a mum is one of the most rewarding, exciting and enjoyable things about life!




