Getting a good night's sleep is probably one of the most glorious feelings.

If you've ever had trouble sleeping then you will know how frustrating it can be lying awake at night, feeling tired but being painfully conscious. 



No one wants that. Also, getting enough sleep at night is important for your health.

An American organisation put together this handy chart that tells you roughly how much sleep you should be getting each night.


If this sleep schedule seems unfamiliar then read on because we have some of the easiest tricks you can use to get yourself make on track. 

Stop napping

This actually goes against almost everything we believe, but, it's a surefire way to restless sleep that makes you want to nap needs to be stopped.

Break the cycle and literally let yourself get tired out by ditching the naps. 



Eat earlier in the evening

Going to sleep on a full stomach can make you uncomfortable and restless, so try having dinner earlier in the evening for optimum sleeping conditions.



Get the temperature right

No seriously, those people who have to have the duvet covering one half of their body exactly are on to something.

Your body won't settle down if you're too cold or too hot, so figure out what temperature you need and try to stick with it.



Put the wine down

A nightcap might seem like a fabulous idea, but it actually leads to less REM sleep, and that's the good kind that you need. Sorry to break it to you.



Turn off all the gadgets

The experts recommend that you turn off anything like your phone, tablet, laptop or TV at least 30 minutes before you head to bed.

The blue light they emit tricks your brain into thinking it is in fact day time, so no sleep for you.  




Put the dog out

Sorry Spot, but you need to get out of the bedroom. A study found that 63 per cent of pet owners who allowed their pet sleep in their room expected poor quality sleep.

So, it may be time to part ways if you need some quality sleep.




