We called them simply 'Wendy houses' when we were little - and they usually consisted of 


(a) A sheet over a table


(b) Our dusty garden shed


So imagine our excitement when we came across these jaw-droppingly gorgeous playhouses that you can personalise. We're betting you will want to put these straight onto your child's Christmas list (even though you KNOW you have your eye on it as the perfect 'pondering nook' slash 'hide-from-the-kids-and-eat-chocolate spot').


Have a look at our top picks of fabulous play houses: 


1. Rose Cottage - the perfect English country cottage


But wait, that's not all. This beauty is REVERSIBLE. Turn it around and you have a tea shop. Merciful hour - where were these when I was a girl? And if you want to wow those neighbourhood kids even further, you can embroider your child's (your) name over the door. LOVE!



Check it out here.


2. Outer Space Rocket Playhouse

Heuston, we have a problem - I want them all! Your little one will adore this space-inspired den with some seriously cool rocket designs. Let their imaginations go wild and join them as they fly you to the moon and back. 



3. Princess Playcastle


Did somebody say unicorn? This pretty rainbow and unicorn inspired castle is perfect for your little princess or anyone else who loves playing at make-believe. We love th pretty bunting-effect and did we mention there is a UNICORN on the side??


4. Fire engine play tent


Perhaps, it's the noise, maybe it is the vibrant colour, or even simply the excitement of rescuing others? This fire engine playmobile will make you want to make Christmas come even sooner (nearly).


All these amazing playhouses and other children's bedroom accessories can be found online at Kiddywinkles.co.uk and prices start from around £149 for playhouses.

