It seems two things many of us have been telling our kids not to do could actually be good for them.


A new study has suggested that kids sucking their thumb and biting their nails might actually have some health benefits.


Bear with us, apparently these two habits can protect children against developing allergies in their adult lives.


The study found that children who had these habits were less likely to develop allergies to things like dust mites, grass, mould and fur.


We had one eyebrow raised when we heard about this latest study but the science behind it makes sense.


These two habits help a child’s immune system by exposing them to germs from a young age.



The study followed 1,037 cases from birth to adulthood and was published by the University of Otage in New Zealand.


Parents reported their children’s habits intermittently throughout their childhood and then were tested for allergies at the ages of 13 and 32.


It found that children who had sucked their thumbs or bitten their nails in their younger years were 11% less likely to develop allergies in adulthood.


And children who did both were at an even lower risk with them being 18% less likely to develop allergies than those children who did neither.


SHARE your thoughts on these findings.


