Having a baby is a life changing experience and, yes, there are going to be a lot of sleepless nights, countless hours cleaning up vomit and a very limited social life, but it will all be worth it.


Here are six things that will change after you have had a baby:


Lie-ins will be a thing of the past

You can say goodbye to long, lazy lie-ins in the morning. Not only because your sleep pattern will mimic your baby’s but because you won’t want to waste your morning in bed, not when you have a gorgeous little bundle to coo over.


Your attitude towards your body will change

Giving birth is a huge trauma for your body so don’t be surprised when you look at yourself in the mirror and struggle to recognise it. Your stomach will feel a little softer, your boobs will be bigger and you may have stretch marks and varicose veins to deal with. But you will finally give it the respect it deserves – growing a baby is a pretty incredible achievement.


You will look at mums in a different light

Now that you are one, you will start to look at mums in a whole new light. And when you see one struggling with a toddler having a strop you will sympathise with them and no doubt dread the day it happens to you.


Your relationship with your own mum will change

Even if you are already close to your mum, having a baby will change your relationship slightly. Now you will look at her with appreciation and awe and lean on her more for advice.


You will appreciate the small things

When we are young, free and single most of us never really took stock of what we had, always striving for more and better things. And while your ambitions won’t change all that much, you will take stock of your blessings more and stop once in a while to smell the roses. Your baby will grow up fast and you won’t want to miss a thing.


You will love life so much more

Even if you had a pretty good life before baby arrived, you will look at the world and your life a little differently. You will rediscover the beauty of nature and the wonders of the world and your baby will make everything seem brighter, more achievable and you will feel stronger and more capable.


