When we think of high blood pressure, we usually associate it with our own health or that of our elders – but it seems that our children need to be factored into this discussion, too.


According to new research, spending too long in front of the TV screen can increase your child’s risk of developing high blood pressure.


Researchers from the Universities of Zaragoza and Sao Paulo examined the data of 16,000 kids between the age of two and nine, and found that patterns of long sedentary behaviour could increase the risk of high blood pressure by 30%.



As part of the study, the research teams examined both the blood pressure and the TV-watching habits of the children. Ultimately, they found that those kids who watched over two hours of television daily experienced a rise in blood pressure after just two years.


High blood pressure is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, heart attacks and kidney complications.


Publishing the results in the International Journal of Cardiology, study authors urged parents to ensure that their children are getting some physical activity in on a daily basis.


