Halloween is not just a time for costumes and candy, it also tends to be a time when people play pranks on each other. 


One guy on Twitter, Mark Sparrow, shared his pranking plans with his followers, and while it is mean, we cannot deny it's brilliance. 


Mark Sparrow


"It'll soon be Halloween so time to prepare some yummy treats for the neighbourhood kids. Try dipping Brussels sprouts in chocolate for them" Mark said, while sharing a photo of chocolate covered brssel sprouts.



The tweet has been liked 11,000 times, and has been retweeted more than 9,000 times. 


The reactions to this prank have been brilliant, with hundreds of people tweeting Mark with thoughts on these chocolate covered veggies.



 Some people were appalled by this idea, while others saw the funny side to it.



What do you think? Is this prank cruel or hilarious?


SHARE and let us know your thoughts. 

