A diving school in Bali is holding yoga classes which promise to make participants feel like they are “back in the comfort and warmth of the womb”.


More specifically, Zen Harmony Diving School holds the 12 metres classes underwater where participants perform yoga moves and Zentsu, a water-based method of relaxation.


“At Zen Dive, we believe diving and yoga are complimentary activities,” they say. “Diving encourages you to enter into a meditative state of mind and be completely present. We encourage you to experience diving as a form of moving meditation, where you float weightlessly and silently, focusing only on your breath and the present moment. This allows you to relax completely and experience a powerful connection with nature.”


And what about that back in the womb stuff?


“A yoga and Ayurveda therapist gently rock you side to side at a frequency similar to the movements in the womb,” staff instructor and general manager Jelena Vukosavljevic told Daily Mail Australia.


It sounds incredible – and just what the doctor ordered for January. Well, we can dream right?


