We got a good laugh at this video portraying how an exhausted mum feels about sex, particularly on a weekday. Mum Meredith Masony from That’s Inappropriate is saying what a LOT of women are thinking – when we flop into our lovely, cosy bed at the end of a long day the last thing we want is a bit of nookie.


In the video, funnywoman Meredith reels off her litany of excuses from Monday to Friday, such as “I did 18 loads of laundry” and “I haven’t showered in three days and I smell like a bag of onions”. You know, the usual.


But when it comes to Friday, she decides it’s time to give it a go – but only for five minutes mind!



And commenters could relate, big time.


“So accurate it is painful,” said one commenter.


While another added, “This was me the other night. I just wanted to sleep, but he had other ideas.”


And another mum is basically having none of it: “I spend every second of the day meeting my children’s, co-workers, friends and family's needs (AKA EVERYONE ELSE but mine) when the kids are finally asleep I DO NOT want to spend the precious few minutes before I pass out from exhaustion still meeting someone's needs.”



Love the honesty Meredith!


SHARE if you’re a tired mama who can relate!

