It’s never easy when your relationship breaks down, but that doesn’t mean you need to give up on finding love or dating ever again. If you have been through a separation, the following advice will help you get back out there:


Acknowledge your feelings

It is normal to feel angry, hurt, sad and apprehensive about getting back out there – but understanding and accepting these emotions is the first thing to do.


Head out with the girls

No matter why your relationship broke down it can be difficult to muster the energy to get back out there. So instead of going out with the intention of meeting someone enjoy a night out with friends, keeping your options open about who you’ll meet.


Don’t force yourself until you feel ready

No matter how many people say now is the time to go out and meet someone new, only you will know when it’s right – don’t force yourself if you really don’t feel ready.


Spend time with couples

Just because your relationship didn’t work doesn’t mean that all your relationships are going to fail. Make sure you spend time with couples so that you are constantly being reminded that love can last.


Go somewhere different

In order to meet new people you need to go to new places - so shake up your normal routine a little. Go to a different coffee shop for lunch, shop in a new supermarket or go out for dinner with your friends in a recently opened restaurant  - it doesn’t matter where you go just go somewhere new. 


Get excited

Don’t cling to the past instead try to get excited about what the future holds.

