You will no doubt remember that hilarious video in which two little boys smeared in paint tried to deny ‘re-decorating’ the bathroom. Well, if that entertained you, get ready for some more laughter.


Little Jack Koenig obviously has a sweet tooth and just couldn’t resist tucking into a brightly-coloured cupcake recently. When his dad took him to task over it though, Jack did what so many of us do in that situation – he told a fib.


It seems the toddler may just have gotten away with his tall tale, too – if it wasn’t for the overwhelming evidence against him!


Clearly amused by the scene in the backseat of his car, Jack’s dad Dave saw an opportunity to entertain the masses and he recorded his interrogation of his son for the world to see.


Needless to say, the video has gone viral since hitting YouTube earlier this week, and it will set you up for the day.


Check out Jack and Dave’s hilarious exchange below.




