We endure far more of it than we would probably admit to, and stress poses a serious threat to both our long- and short-term health. It’s important to be able to deal with your stress on a daily basis, and these tips will go a long way towards helping you.


1. Listen to music

When you’re feeling particularly stressed, and you have the opportunity, switch on some soothing music. Calming music has a positive effect on the brain, particularly when it comes to stress, as it lowers blood pressure and reduces the level of the stress-related hormone cortisol.


2. Exercise

It doesn’t necessarily have to be anything too intense or strenuous, but it’s a proven fact that getting out for a jog or even just a short walk in the fresh air can impact significantly upon your stress levels. Not only will it get your blood flowing, but some level of exercise will also cause the release of mood-boosting endorphins.


3. Breathe

Many stress-sufferers swear by breathing techniques, and the science is there to back its stress-busting abilities. Taking deep, controlled breaths will send oxygen flowing through your blood, which will help to centre your body. Taking a minute or two out of your stress may also give you a new clarity on the situation.


4. Eat the right food

You may be surprised by how significantly your diet can impact upon your stress levels. Comfort-snacking on fatty and sugar-laden foods will only compound the situation and leave you feeling lethargic; the best mood-boosting foods are fruit, vegetables and omega 3-rich fish.


5. Laugh

It’s always a good idea to turn to friends and loved ones when you’re feeling especially stressed as, not only will they help you find a way out of your drama, but a good laugh is one of the best stress-busters. Laughter is known to decrease the levels of stress-causing hormones adrenaline and cortisol, so be sure to throw on a good comedy or have a natter when the going gets that little bit too tough.

