As our lives become more stressful, it is easy to  take it out on our kids, shouting at them for simple things, like not being as quick as we’d like.


And while it is not intentional, it can have an effect on your relationship with your child making it vital you take account of your yelling and try to stop or reduce it. 


It is never easy to make a change, but by sticking to the following five handy tips you'll never veer too far from the track: 


1. Accept that you need to change

The first step to change is to acknowledge that there is a problem. And while we aren’t suggesting that you should never yell at your kids, especially if they have done something wrong, it is important to stop when it starts to affect your family dynamic. 


2. Tell someone you want to change

It is easy to lose our motivation when it is only us who know about it. Tell someone, like your partner, that you are making a conscious effort not to yell so that it becomes more real and harder to opt out of.


3. Place reminders all over your home

It is easy to forget your goal to not yell when you are feeling stressed or in the heat of the moment, so place reminders all over your home. Sticky notes placed on your fridge, in your sitting room and hall are really helpful. Beside them, write down alternative methods of discipline so you know what to do. 


4. Identify your triggers

Recognise and identify your triggers and avoid them, if possible. For example, if you are more likely to shout at your kids when you are running late in the morning, get up earlier - remember, small changes can make a big difference. 


5. Keep at it

No matter how many times you trip up it is important you keep at it; practice makes perfect.


