The relationship that exists between siblings is incredible on a number of of different levels.

While they can go from being your best friend to your worst enemy in a matter of minutes, the bond that ties siblings together is often stronger than any other.

As parents, watching our children interact with each other can often give us a snapshot into the various ways they are developing as people and a sneak peek at the adults they are soon to become.

And if this recent Facebook and YouTube upload is anything to go by, the parents of Leah and Noah Kirwan should be extremely proud this morning.

Performing little Noah's favourite song together, this talented and loving duo have reminded us just how special the relationship between siblings truly is.

Striking a chord with social media users who have shared the footage over 1,000 times since its upload last night, 15-year-old Leah wrote: "Thought I'd do a duet with my favourite little man singing his favourite song, Titanium. Enjoy!"

This is just perfect.



