It’s all fun and games imagining what you’re going to name your future baby when you’re growing up, but when you actually have to do it? Suddenly there are a wave of issues, which turns something that should be a fun and creative into a big problem. Is nothing ever simple with children?
We’ve listed some of the typical baby-naming issues, along with some possible solutions, so hopefully you’ll be able to name your little bundle of joy without too much trouble.  
You tell someone the name you’re thinking of choosing, and they hate it
There’s nothing worse than hearing someone dismiss the name you were going to choose as rubbish, or worse - if they list out all the people of that name that they don’t like. This is why it’s usually a good idea to keep quiet about your chosen name, until the baby is born and the name is attached. If they have any manners, they’ll keep their comments to themselves at this stage. That’s not to say you shouldn’t listen to feedback if you get it – if people find a name difficult to pronounce or understand, then perhaps you should re-think your decision.
Your friend wants to use the same name
One problem with keeping a name to yourself until the baby is born, is that you can’t claim a name for your baby before someone else gets there. If your pregnant friend reveals to you that she wants to call her little one the same name as what you had in mind, you can either go back to the drawing board or broach the subject with your friend. There’s no law against two babies having the same name, but it’s always a good idea to talk about it beforehand. Otherwise, you might find yourself down a friend when the birth cert is signed.
People start using a nickname you don’t like
If you don’t want people calling your little Edward, Eddie, then you need to tell them before it sticks. However, you should be aware when choosing a name with a typical nickname such as Elizabeth, or Jennifer, that you can’t control what people call your child forever.
Your husband wants to use a name from his family
If your other half is adamant about using a name from his family, but you don’t want to, you’re going to have to come to a compromise. Perhaps the name he wants could be a middle name, or the same goes for the name your want. Also, you could ask for nicknaming privileges. If neither of these work, well, we’re afraid you’re going to have to prepare for some serious negotiations. Picking a name is no small task, is it?

