After a tough exercise session, we all know that we need to treat our bodies with extra care.

While you may feel a cool-down after a tough workout is enough, it’s important you don’t neglect your body’s needs on the nutrition front either!

Eating the wrong thing in the aftermath of a hard session won’t do you body any favours, so be sure to school yourself on the top snacks to indulge in after your workout!

Remember, you can't outrun a bad diet so don't undo all your incredible work with one bad dietary move!

1. Banana and peanut butter on rice cake

The combination of protein and carbohydrate means that this tasty treat is the perfect snack for anyone who has just slogged it out on the treadmill.

Make sure you only use one banana and opt for an organic or sugar-free peanut butter!

2. Peanut butter and apple

Incredibly refreshing and hugely filling, this easy-to-make snack is the perfect low-calorie, post-workout treat.

Why not swap peanut butter for almond butter if you feel like switching it up!

3. Mixed fruit and Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is chock-full of protein which is exactly what your body needs to refuel after your hard work.

Stick to fruit like berries and oranges for this one!

4. Hardboiled egg and hummus

Spoon two tablespoons of hummus onto slices of hardboiled egg for a fantastic protein kick post-workout.

Amino acids contained in the yolk of the egg are very important when it comes to supporting muscle repair.

5. Almonds, cashews and raisons

A handful of mixed nuts and fruit will certainly fill a gap when leaving the gym.

Be sure to opt for unsalted nuts so you don’t undo all your fantastic work!



