Being a new mum, it is so easy to want to wrap your little baby up in cotton wool and never let them out of your sight. However, it is important you don’t overprotect your children and give them room to grow on their own.


While your little one is only small now, you need to start as you mean to go on; here are five reasons not to be an overprotective mum.


They can’t learn on their own

Hovering around your children, watching their every move, telling them not to do certain things because they are unsafe will mean your child will never learn to understand what's safe and what's not safe - they'll never learn on their own. 


They’ll never be independent

If you are constantly wading in when your child is struggling with something at school or has a falling out with their friend, they will never learn to fly on their own, to fight their own corners or to stand up for themselves. They will always feel they need you to be able to get through things and will never learn independence.


They won’t be ready for the real world

You won't be there to protect them and fight their battles when they are adults and growing up enables your child to learn to cope and handle things on their own. If you spend their childhood wrapping them up in bubble wrap and protecting them from the real world they will struggle when the time comes for them to face things on their own.


Mistakes are a good thing

Mistakes are a good thing and it is important you give your child the opportunity to make them. They teach kids that they can go wrong but they also help them to learn how to fix it or know the actions they need to take to in the aftermath.


They become afraid to do anything

Always telling your children not to do something because it’s dangerous or they’ll hurt themselves will only teach them to feel anxious and worried about everything. In the end they’ll become too afraid to do anything. 


