Lately, we are getting very sentimental about our favourite books and characters. 


If you are struggling to pick a name for your new bundle of joy, why not consider an iconic character from a book as inspiration?




1. Ralph - after Ralph from Lord of the Flies. 


2. Edmond - after Edmond Dantès from The Count of Monte Cristo. 


3. Harry - after Harry Potter. 


4. Atticus - after Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mokingbird. 


5. Charles - after Charles Darnay from A Tale of Two Cities. 


6. Oliver - after Oliver Twist. 


7. Jay - after Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby. 


8. George - after George Knightley from Emma. 


9. Tom - after Tom Sawyer from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 


10. Holden - after Holden Caufield from The Catcher in the Rye. 


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1. Cosette - after Cosette from Les Misérables.


2. Daisy - after Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby. 


3. Emma - after Emma Woodhouse from Emma


4. Hester - after Hester Payne from The Scarlet Letter. 


5. Beth - after Beth March from Little Women. 


6. Alice - after Alice in Wonderland. 


7. Jane - after Jane Eyre. 


8. Natasha - after Natasha Rostrova from War and Peace. 


9. Elinor - after Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility. 


10. Elizabeth - after Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. 



