Can you imagine a two-year old toddler going from being an only child to a sister of three new babies in seconds?


Well that’s exactly what happened when a mum gave birth to triplets on the SAME day as her two-year old daughter’s birthday. Seriously, what are the odds?


New Zealand mum Sarah Miller gave birth to triplets Zoe, Kayla and Jake on little Teresa’s birthday, even though before she went into labour she hoped they wouldn’t be born on the same day.


But Mother Nature had other ideas, and now all four siblings will celebrate their special day together.


And Teresa’s dad Bevan says the tot is now firmly in charge of her new siblings, well, almost.


“I’d say she’ll get two of them under her wing but one of them might fight back,” Bevan told Kidspot.


Well Teresa, two out of three ain’t bad.


SHARE if you think Teresa got the best birthday present EVER!



