Having and caring for a baby is tough work, and if you are a mum of a newborn you know all too well the struggles. Dealing with late nights, early mornings, and your own emotions is a particularly trying time and sometimes a cup of tea is the only to feel better!


Here are seven reasons why mums of newborns need a cup of tea right now:


You’ve been awake for 24 hours

Whether it’s because you are worried about your little one sleeping, you can’t bear to leave them or they just won’t settle, it’s not unusual to go through the day on little or no sleep at all!


You’ve pushed a human out of you

Seriously, if pushing a baby out of a tiny hole doesn’t automatically give you the right to sit down with a hot cuppa then we don’t know what does!


You’ve literally wiped poo off your jumper, twice

Babies have this knack of getting poo all over their mum in the middle of a nappy change. And while we can’t really blame them – they are just too adorable – there is just something about wiping poo off your clothes on a daily basis that constitutes a good cup of the finest tea available.


You smell of spit up and it just won’t go away

And no matter how many times you shower, change your clothes or try to protect yourself with a cloth, there is just no escaping it! Time for tea, definitely!


You have given up your body for the miracle of birth

Don’t get us wrong, we are fully on the whole pregnancy and giving birth is a miracle bandwagon, but sometimes the only way to feel better about all the aches and pains and changes, is to have a strong cup of tea. A very strong cup!


Your boobs are a little lower than they were a year ago....

Whether you are breastfeeding or not, your boobs are going to be a little lower than they were 12 months ago. Make mine a black tea with lots of sugar!


You haven’t been able to shower for three days

And your deodorant has just run out! Did someone say tea...?!


