Getting back into the workforce after having a baby is tough and having to attend interviews makes it even more stressful. 


If you are attending an interview in the near future, have a read through the following tips for a smooth, successful time. 


Turn your experience into valuable CV material

If you have been out of work for a period of time you may find that your CV is a little sparce. However, all that time that you have spent looking after your baby is valuable experience that can help you sell yourself and bulk up your CV - just choose your words wisely. When you really take the time to think about it being a mother involves a number of skills such as time management, organisation, dealing with deadlines and research which are invaluable on a CV.


Practice makes perfect

When it comes to interviews, certain questions or how they are asked can trip you up. To stop this, practice the interview scenario with your other half so that you learn how to handle tricky questions. For instance, if you have been away from the workforce for a while the interviewer may want to know how you have kept your skills up-to-date, so have your answers ready.


Know your rights

Make sure you know your rights before you walk into the interview room. There are number of questions that they can’t ask you and you have every right to refuse to answer and not have it impact on your job prospects.  


Here are a number of family-related questions that they are not allowed ask:

What is your age?

Do you have children?

Do you plan on having children?

Who will look after your children?

What is your relationship status?

What is your maiden name?

What is your religion?


Dress to impress

First impressions always count so make sure you put a little time and effort into how you dress.Obviously the type of job you are being interviewed for plays a role in how you should dress; generally speaking you can't go wrong with smart or smart/casual works so think trouser suit or dress and heels. Make sure your hair and nails are presentable and that your make-up is natural looking. 

