Cyber bullying occurs when technology is used to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another child or young person. Sometimes cyber bullying can be easy to identify - for instance, if your child shows you a text message or status update that is harsh, mean, or cruel. Other acts of bullying are less easy to spot such as when someone impersonates the intended victim online with the purpose of posting personal information designed to hurt, ridicule or embarrass.

Some kids report that a fake account has been set up with the sole purpose to harass and bully. Cyber bullying can also happen accidentally. What is funny to one person could be hurtful and insulting to another. However, repeated incidents are rarely accidental.

One in ten kids experience cyber bullying and that number is set to increase. What can parents do to put an end to or prevent cyber bullying altogether? With the huge increase in social networking happening online, it’s understandable how there has been a rise in cyber-bullying. However, it’s never acceptable and parents need to play a large role in preventing and combating this form of bullying.

Approximately ten percent of students say they have been bullied online or through their mobile phones. More than 90% of these students would say that the cyber aspect was part of an overall bullying campaign which included bullying them in person.

It’s important for parents to realise that cyber bullying is just as traumatic and unacceptable as any form of bullying and it is an area where parents must exercise vigilance.

The following are some useful tips that parents can use to help deal with cyber bullying:

Be cyber savvy
Be aware of information and communication technologies and know which sites your child is visiting. Make sure they know what sites they have permission to visit. 

Encourage communication
Provide an environment in which your child feels comfortable opening up you. Make sure they know that they can speak to you if anybody should threaten or upset them online. Remember to react in a calm manner otherwise they won’t turn to you when they need your help most.

Look out for signs that your child is being bullied online.
Such signs could include noticing a reluctance to use the computer or not wanting to go to school.

Take action
If your child is being bullied by a student at the same school, then you will need to meet with a teacher or principal and ask for help in resolving the issue.

Talk to your child about how to use their computer and mobile phones responsibly.

Ensure they know never to post anything that they wouldn’t be comfortable with everyone knowing.

Keep an eye on your child's computer use and have their log-ins.

