There is nothing quite like a spot of lunch with the girls on a lazy Sunday afternoon.


And while it might have been the highlight of your week before baby arrived, now that you have entered motherhood and you’ve a little person in tow for every outing, things will be slightly different!


1. Before baby

You can order the biggest latte your wallet can afford!


After baby

A quick tea is enough to keep you going. Sure you’ll never get to the end of it anyway!


2. Before baby

You can indulge yourself, spending time mulling over which coffee shop tickles your fancy.


 After baby

You absolutely need to check the changing facilities before you are setting foot in that door!


3. Before baby

You are absolutely treating yourself to a slice of carrot cake after your BLT. There is no way you’re not!


After baby

No point grabbing the cake, you’ve already had to choose between a sandwich or a coffee never mind having a treat.


4. Before baby

You can spend hours lazing about on the comfy coffee shop sofas, milking one cup of coffee for at least an hour.


After baby

You’re in and out so quick your friends are starting to question if you were actually there!  The only evidence is the half-full cup that is still warm!


5. Before baby

You’ll spend the afternoon analysing and discussing the previous night’s antics. Or what you can remember of it...


After baby

You went to bed at nine and the most exciting thing you have to talk about is that so-and-so is having an affair in Corrie!


6. Before baby

You spend at least 30 minutes doing your make-up before you go anywhere near deciding what outfit you want to wear!


After baby

You’re out of the house and that’s all that matters!


It might be a little different but it that doesn’t make it a bad thing! At least you’re still managing to get out of the house even if you still haven’t had a shower in at least three days....


