How often do we moan to our kids about the amount of time – or lack thereof – that they spend studying or doing their homework?


Well, now experts are telling us that the secret to academic success for our children is not down to the amount of time they spend on their homework, but rather how often and how independently they work at it.


The new research was carried out in Spain, with experts asking 8,000 students with an average age of 14 to answer a questionnaire on their homework habits. Questions included how often the teens did their homework, how long it took them to complete it, and whether they did it alone or with help. They also took standardised tests in maths and science.


Results showed that the optimal amount of time that kids should spend on homework is 70 minutes, with any increase in time resulting in very few gains for the student.



The study also found that children who did their homework alone, without help or supervision from an adult, fared better in the tests. Indeed, those who worked independently scored around 54 points higher than those who received help with their work.


In the study report, published in the Journal of Education Psychology, researchers conclude that kids will benefit more and perform better academically if they are allowed to work independently.


While it's important to lend assistance when they need it, this study highlights the important of teaching our little ones to manage their study and homework themselves.


