It is an issue that divides many parents around the world, and one famous face did not hold back today when the subject was raised on social media.


While some parents view child ear piercings as harmless, others are dead set against it – among them Dr Christian Jessen of the popular TV show Embarrassing Bodies.


Responding to a tweet questioning whether or not piercing a young child’s ear is safe and appropriate, the 38-year-old said: “NO. IT IS CHILD ABUSE.”


Dr Christian’s strong feelings on the subject prompted plenty of debate online, with many backing him up.



“Until they can say and understand the words ‘I want my ears pierced’ then it shouldn’t be allowed,” wrote one Twitter follower.


Meanwhile, another observed: “I’m a qualified piercer and find it disgusting that people do it to their children. Vain people! When does it end?”



When challenged that a piercing may be carried out for ‘cultural’ reasons, Dr Christian hit back: “Ah that old chestnut! FGM is ‘cultural’ according to some. Best leave that alone too?”


What are your thoughts? Do you agree with Dr Christian’s strong thoughts on the subject?


