Mathematics can be tough and while some kids catch on to it fairly quickly, many children don’t. Unfortunately, many people grow up with the conception that maths is not fun and will always be tricky.
These ten books might help them to change their minds though:
1. Fraction Action by Loreen Leedy
This book will introduce kids to fractions in a fun and easy-to-read manner. The book is full of delightful pictures that kids from the age of five will simply love.
2. Lemonade for Sale by Stuart Murphy and Tricia Tusa
Kids will be able to easily relate to this book that shows how maths is needed for everyday things. In the story a group of children are selling lemonade to get money to fix their clubhouse and ithey chart their success with a bar chart.
3. Fun with Roman Numerals by David Adler and Edward Miller III
How many times has your child asked you what the Roman numerals on your clock mean? This fun and colourful book will help them understand just what exactly they are.
4. The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat by Theoni Pappas
This easy-to-read book is full of fun, interesting and simple activities to help your big kid understand maths.
5. Measuring Penny by Loreen Leedy
This book introduces children to certain mathematical concepts including height, width, length, weight and volume. It is clear and engaging and is sure to be loved by all.
6. Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi by Cindy Neuschwander
This is a fantastic book to introduce kids to Pi, radius and diameters via the characters.
7. Apple Fractions by Jerry Pallotta and Rob Bolster
This is another great book that introduces kids to the mathematical concept of fractions. By using apples to demonstrate halves, thirds, etc., the author is also introducing youngsters to the different variety of apples.
8. The Monster who did my Maths by Danny Schnitzlein and Bill Mayer
If your child has a fear of maths, this book will be perfect for them. While it doesn’t focus in on the concepts of maths, it does teach your little one just how important it is to learn the subject.
9. Less Than Zero by Stuart J. Murphy and Frank Remkiewicz
Perry the penguin helps kids understand negative numbers as he tries to save up enough clams to buy a scooter.
10. Anno’s Mysterious Multiplying Jar by Mitsumasa Anno
This is another book on fractions that will entice the reader to learn more about the tough topic.