No matter how dirty their nappies are or how loud they scream we all love our children unconditionally! 


But sometimes being home alone with them - with no other adult around for miles - can be a real struggle, particularly when you’ve reached your peek-a-boo limit, and Baby doesn’t find it funny anymore.


Here are ten real struggles all mums who are home alone with Baby will no doubt recognise: 


1. Going to the bathroom is a nightmare

Unless you bring Baby in with you you’ll have to hold it in until someone comes home, and we don’t recommend you do that!


2. Forget about even having a shower

You seriously thought you’d mange to squeeze a shower into your day when it’s just you and Baby? We applaud your positive attitude!



3. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will all roll into one, at 10pm that night

You won’t have time to feed yourself one meal never mind three. It looks like you’ll be having cereal with your veggies right before bed.


4. The mess will build up, until you don’t know where to start

Towels, clothes, toys, creams, lotions and nappies all seem to pile up through the course of a day – and you won’t know where to start when you finally do have five minutes to clean!



5. The lack of five minutes to yourself

You have a baby to mind – did you really think you were going to get to put your feet down for five minutes...


6. Tea. What tea?

You better grab a tea while Baby naps otherwise it will be a while before you get another chance.


7. Getting dressed involves putting on whatever’s on the floor

No fancy outfits for you - it's tracksuit bottoms and hoodies all the way! 



8. The clang of the post box has you rushing to the door

You’re craving adult conversation so much that you’ve even resorted to having the TV on in the background, so it sounds like someone else is there.


9. It feels like Baby is constantly feeding, napping or in need of a change

That’s because they are.


10. Getting outside takes at least ten times longer when you’re on your own

When you have no one to hold Baby while you put the car seat in or unfold the buggy, it can make getting out of the house a lot harder.




