When a man goes out, questions of who is minding Baby are never really asked, but it’s a totally different story for women. How many times have you gone on a night out or even a trip only for someone to pass comment by asking if your other half was babysitting?


 While men and women have definitely taken on a much more equal role at home, there will always be one who asks if Dad is at home babysitting... And here’s how you should respond.


1. Just laugh it off

They may be just trying to break the ice...


2. “Is your other half babysitting as well?”

Hit them right in the core!



3. Just walk away

You don’t have time to be dealing with this!


4. “I don’t think my ten-year-old would appreciate being called a baby”

If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable being too upfront



5. Give them then The Look

No words needed this time – they’ll definitely get the hint!


6. “No, I left the kids on their own...”

Well, technically they are questioning your parenting by checking someone is minding the kids!


7. “Yes, I’ll be paying him in ways other than cash...”

Make them feel really uncomfortable...


8. “Yes, how much do you think I should pay him?”

This’ll really confuse them...



9. “No, he’s not babysitting...”

Give them a bit of a scare – technically you’re not lying.


10. “He is their dad, not their babysitter“

Just tell them like it is!




