Being a mum is hard work, there is no denying that! Sometimes it can feel like a never-ending cycle of cleaning clothes, picking up shoes, cooking dinners and acting as a taxi driver for your kids, and adding feelings of guilt to the mix is not going to help the situation. 


So to make you feel better about how you parent, it's time to say goodbye to feeling bad about the following things: 


1. Having a messy house

If you step on one more piece of Lego you are literally going to scream... but you're way too busy to be dealing with the mess! 



2. Eating takeaway. Again

Cooking can feel like a huge time-consuming task



3. Wearing the same clothes as the day before

And the day before that, and the day before that...



4. Putting your kids in the same clothes as the day before

And just hoping no one notices until the afternoon, when you can say of look they must have spilled something...



5. Bribing the kids to do something

Sometimes you REALLY just don’t have the energy to get them to sit quietly in the shopping trolley.



6. Eating a tub of ice cream after telling the kids there was none left

You’ve totally sacrificed enough sweets and treat for them already!



7. Telling the kids that the fish is chicken

One day you’ll tell them the truth. One day.



8. Going out with the girls for one too many glasses of wine

You’re more than just a mum, remember!



9. Telling the kids they can’t get a dog because you’re allergic

Even though the only thing you’re REALLY allergic to is picking up dog poo from the back garden...



10. Not being able to keep up with the Jones’

As long as your kids are happy, healthy and know you love them then you have NO reason to feel guilty for anything!



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