It's only when you have two kids do you realise just how easy being a mum of one was!

And while there is no denying that they bring more joy than you could ever imagine, they are also a lot of work. A lot of work!


Here are ten things nobody tells you about having two children.


1. You’ll become a pro at eating on the go

Two kids means you will need to eat while standing up! 



2. You won’t even look for sleep anymore

You know you won't get it! 



3. You will laugh more

Because kids come out with the funniest things on a daily basis!  



4. Your washing line will never be empty

Kids go through a lot of clothes throughout the day. A lot. Your dirty clothes will pile up in the corner though! 



5. You will watch a lot more kids' TV than you’d like

Just to keep the house happy!



6. You'll wonder at the power of nature

How could you have possibly given birth to two so very different people?



7. You will feel guilty for things that you have no control over

Kids have a match on at the same time? You’ll have to toss a coin as to who gets you and who gets Daddy.



8. Things will get broken more times than you’d like

Usually nice things. 



9. You’ll automatically become a referee

Sibling fights can get nasty – prepare yourself!



10. Nothing will embarrass you

Two kids mean you will enjoy a red face at least once a day – you’re starting to not care anymore...




