With back to school time looming the shops are sure to be busy this weekend, as the rush to get the all important school shoes starts – the one thing most of us leave to the last minute!


Here are ten things that are sure to happen from the moment you tell your little one to get ready to go out...


1. You’ll have an argument

Your little one won’t want to go even if it is for them – shopping for school shoes is not as exciting as you are trying to make it out to be! 


2. You won’t agree on style

They’ll want something cool and funky; you’ll want something practical and long lasting. Decisions, decisions.


3. You’ll have to queue for ages

What are the chances that the entire country decided to go to the exact same shoe store at the exact same time as you...


4. Your little one will moan at the selection on offer

What were they expecting – you’re shopping for school shoes!



5. You’ll get a fright at the price

Kids’ school shoes are expensive and it’s not until you actually get to the shop do you realise just how much. Just keep telling yourself they’ll last for the whole year... And they’ll wear them every day!


6. They won’t have your kid’s size

You have spent nearly 30 minutes choosing a pair only for the assistant to tell you they don’t have your size – but they do have an alternative (that don’t look like the ones you picked at all) ...


7. You’ll bring a variety of socks

Sure you need to check if your youngster’s thick winter ones will fit into their new shoes...



8. You’ll buy something you don’t need

The assistant will offer you this absolute must-have shoe polish – apparently the only one that matches your kid’s new shoes – and you will fork out a fortune for it.


9. You’ll regret saying yes to the box

You know it will end up under your little one’s bed jam packed with rubbish but you’ll still say yes when asked: “Do you want the box?”


10. You’ll give your kids more sweets than you care to think about

Anything to keep the peace!




