No matter how devoted you are to your healthy living plan, there are times when eating well and hitting the gym is the last thing you feel like doing.

You could be on the biggest health buzz of your life and then, all of a sudden, it can grind to a complete halt simply because your body says 'no'.

You know you'll feel better afterward, you know you'll wake up refreshed and energised and you know you must ignore your inner demons, but sometimes this knowledge simply isn't enough.

Whether the excuses are genuine or conjured out of thin air is completely beside the point because we're totally allowed to skip the gym 'just this one time', right?!

Any of these sound familiar?

1. When the weather is less than perfect

Hear that wind? Hear that rain? It would be absolute lunacy to leave the warm embrace of my family home.

2. When the kids are acting like the children you always wanted

What's gotten into them? Why aren't they fighting? I better stay here incase they're unwell.

3. When the dinner you prepared looks like the picture in the recipe book

Why should I have to reheat that for myself later? I'm not going anywhere.

4. When you have cramps and a burning desire to eat the Christmas treats hidden under the stairs

Not happening.

5. When your standard gym ensembles are in the wash and your only option is your partner's oversized Eminem T-shirt.

I have my pride.

6. When your favourite soap airs a special live episode

That's a given.

7. When your darling child springs a school project on you which is, of course, due the following morning.

Pass the glitter.

8. When your gym buddy tells you she's ditching class because she has cramps

Sympathy cramps, we've all been there.

9. When your bathroom hasn't been cleaned in weeks and the idea of tackling it doesn't make you want to fall to the floor and weep.

How often does this happen in fairness? Pass the bleach.

10. When you don't want to, you don't care and no one can make you.

End of. It's not happening.


