Single mums are our heroes. 


A mum AND a dad raising a family together is challenging enough, but when you’re a single parent, s**t well and truly gets real.


So we decided to sit down and write this piece to you, all the glorious single mums out there, because we want you to know that what you’re doing, bringing up these humans by yourself, is beyond amazing – and we’re in awe of you.


Here why…


1. You’re a strong role model



As a single mum, you’re the one that has to guide your kids on the right path. Everything you do is to set a good example for your kids, because you know they need a strong role model to emulate.


2. Financially, it’s all on you



It’s no surprise that for many single mums, budgeting can be tough. When you’ve got a partner everything is split down the middle – bills, school shoes, birthday presents, you name it. But when you’re doing it alone, often you’re the sole provider. However, even if it means doing without yourself, or working extra hours, you’ll always take care of your family – and we salute for that, big time.


3. You have a HUGE responsibility



All the decisions are your responsibility. What the kids eat, where you live, what school they go to, how they're disciplined them – you’re the one making these choices, all by yourself. That takes strength of character, confidence and fearlessness. 


4. You’re smashing misconceptions



Although thankfully the stigma surrounding single mums has abated in recent years, there are still some people out there who think the only way to raise a family is with two parents. And every single day you are making these ridiculous misconceptions even more invalid, showing that single parent families are just as loving and nurturing as those with two parents.

5. You’ve created a super close bond



As their sole parent, single mums forge amazingly close bonds with their kids. When your children rely on you so heavily, and spend so much time with you, it’s only natural that a life-long, unbreakable bond is created. They'll also never forget, or take for granted, the sacrifices you made for them when they were growing up.


Single mums, or as we like to call them, mums, you are amazing.


Are you a bad-ass single mum? Or do you know a single mum you admire deeply? Why not SHARE this article with them?!


