5 ways to get you and the kids into an organised routine for back-to-school

As much as we hate to say it, back-to-school season is almost upon us. This summer feels like it has been fleeting, and the changeable weather hasn’t made things any easier. Soon, our little ones will be donning their school uniforms once again, and we will be returning to our standard weekly routines.

However, as we tend to throw our schedules out the window a little bit during summertime, it can sometimes be a struggle to get yourself and the kids back into the school mindset. So, with that in mind, now is the perfect time to get you and your family ahead of schedule!

With just a few weeks to go until term time begins, we have come up with 5 simple things that you can do between now and the first day of school, to help you and your children to ease back into a routine:

Adjust sleeping routine

This is by far the most important tip we have! As the days grow longer during the summertime, we often find ourselves staying up later than usual on those hazy summer evenings. So, as a new school year approaches, now is the time to adjust both your own and your kids’ bedtime routines. There’s no need to revert back to early bedtimes immediately - gradually ease your children back to their school bedtime by getting them ready slightly earlier each night. Then, by the time the night before school arrives, the little ones will be prepped and ready to go.

Financial planning

These days, we’re all too aware of how many extra financial costs can spring up throughout the school year. Between charity non-uniform days, school trips, classmates’ birthday parties and more, budgeting can be a stressful experience. Before the academic year begins, make a list of everything that needs to be paid for over the coming months. Of course, there are events that will crop up unexpectedly throughout the year, but if you make a note of costs that you are already aware of, then you will be able to budget a bit more in advance. Hopefully, this will help to make the situation slightly less overwhelming.

Extracurricular planning

If your child is extremely active in extracurricular activities, then you will need to have a chat with them about which clubs and sports they would like to take part in this year. It might not be possible for them to get involved in all of them, and so you might need to tell them that they will have to pick a select few. Then, once they have chosen their preferred activities, you will be able to get a sense of how busy they will be throughout each week.

Talk through anxieties

If your child doesn’t enjoy their time at school, or if they are moving to primary or secondary school, then they might be feeling stressed out about the upcoming term. Allow them to open up to you about their fears and anxieties, and explain to them that you will be here to help them through it all. Back-to-school season can be an overwhelming time for many kids, and so you will want to give them as much time as possible to prepare!

Enjoy last few moments of summer

Yes, we may be pulling the focus onto back-to-school season already, but summertime is still around for a few more weeks - so, make the most of it! If there are planned activities that you and your family haven’t managed to do yet this summer, then be sure to take these final few days to enjoy them. Soon, they will be off at school for most days of the week, and time together as a family will be limited. Make the most of this special time together!

