If you have carried your little one’s schoolbag at least once in your life you are no doubt aware of just how heavy it can be. With the need to carry a number of books alongside copies, lunchboxes, beakers and items for afterschool activities the weight can add up, which can be damaging to your child’s back.


However, if you follow these five tips, you will be ensuring your little one’s schoolbag is lighter and easier to manage.


Separate bag for afterschool activities

If your little one needs to bring in extra items for afterschool activities give them a separate bag to carry it in. While you might feel like you are making their life easier by only giving one bag packed with everything, their back will bear the brunt of the extra weight. Even it out with a small carry bag.


Keep stationary to a minimum

If possible, encourage your little one to leave their markers and colours in school so that they won’t be lugging them home every day. Alternatively, have a set at both home and school to help reduce what they need to carry on their back. While it might not seem like much, every little helps.


Leave books in class

Most classrooms have facilities for students to leave books in the room. If this is not the case in your child’s school, talk to the teacher about setting it up as it will mean your youngster will be able to leave books that they don’t need for homework that evening in school.


Carry lunchbox

Rather than trying to squish their lunch into their bag invest in a lunchbox that they can carry in their hand. This will not only save space in their schoolbag and make it a little lighter it will also stop the dreaded squished sandwich.


Clean it out regularly

Your child’s schoolbag is often used as a storage place for heavy notepads, rolled up pieces of paper, half eaten apples and sometimes toys so give it a good clean everyday to reduce the load. 

