We could have the best intentions in the world, but if we’re feeling too tired to even move from the bed, it can be twice as tricky to get out and go for that run, do the shopping, or even just get those essential day-to-day tasks done.


If you’re feeling overly tired, there could be a serious underlying reason – here are just some to think about.


You could be anaemic

Red blood cells are essential for transporting oxygen around your body, and if you are not producing enough of them, it’s going to make you feel weak. Low levels of iron and essential vitamins in anaemia combine to leave you feeling overtired, so a trip to your doctor should definitely be on the cards – a simple blood test will determine if you need treatment.


You could be lacking in Vitamin C

Your adrenal glands produce many hormones needed to keep your body functioning properly throughout the day, and if you don’t supply your body with Vitamin C, these glands will malfunction. Among the many symptoms of a lack of this essential vitamin is fatigue.


You could have a thyroid problem

Your thyroid is responsible for determining your metabolic rate, so if you’re feeling overtired, it could mean that you have a problem with the gland. If you’re concerned about irregular sleeping patterns, or an increased need to sleep, always go and see a doctor.



You could be suffering from depression

Chronic tiredness is one of the big symptoms of depression, combined with a loss of appetite, reckless behaviour, feelings of helplessness, and more. If you have just ticked all of the boxes, arrange an appointment with your GP.


You could have diabetes

Chronic fatigue is a common symptom of type 2 diabetes, which occurs when your body cannot process sugar properly. The subsequent build-up of glucose in the blood can lead to a lack of energy and increased tiredness.


You could be battling anxiety

Much like depression, fatigue is one of the biggest symptoms of general anxiety disorder (GAD). Don’t suffer in silence – book an appointment with a medical professional immediately.


You could be dehydrated

We’re always emphasising the importance of keeping up your water intake, and this is primarily because you need to strike the right balance of fluids in the body in order to keep it working properly. Water is needed to keep your organs functioning correctly as well as to transport minerals and nutrients, so if you’re not drinking enough you could be inadvertently creating problems for yourself.


