Reading is probably one of the best things your little one can do (that, and playing outside.)


Anyway, we live in an age where iPads and televisions are King, and it can be difficult to get your kiddos reading. 


Fear not lovely mums, we are here to help! 


We have team up with Reading Eggs – the award-winning online reading programme, to come up with some handy tips to encourage your little ones to read.


Let us know how you get on:



1. Have LOADS of books


If you surround your little one with loads of books, they won't be able to avoid the wonder of reading. It just makes sense.


2. Don't just use books


Out for dinner? Let them read the menu. Walking passed a sign? Encourage them to read the words! Reading is not all about fairytales and story time - there are opportunities all around us. Be sure to use them.  


3. Turn it into a treat


Instead of rewarding your little one with 20 minutes of screen time, or a piece of chocolate, we recommend using books as a special treat. If they clean their room, or do well in school, reward them with reading their favourite book! 



4. Make it fun and exciting 


When you are reading your child a story, be sure to really get into it! Use fun and silly voices, hand actions, and even half act it out as you read it! This will be really fun for your little one, and will make them want to read themselves. 


5. Play dress up


Does your little one have a favourite book, with a character they love? Why not spend a Saturday dressing up as characters from the book, and acting out the story as a family? You'll get memories that last a life time, and the little ones will be reminded how brilliant stories can be. 


6. Watch the movie 


If your kiddo is not into reading, a way to encourage them could be to choose a book that has been made into a film. Read the book with them, and remind them that when you have completed the book, you can watch the film as a treat to see the characters come to life. 


7. Let them choose 


Letting your little ones have control over the books they read will give them a special sense of responsibility. Before story time, let them go to the book shelf and make a selection - they'll be delighted. 


8. Get a library card


And make a pretty big deal out of it, too! If you are lucky enough to live near a library, pop in and see if they have any special memberships for children. A lot of libraries will have kid's book clubs, and cool membership cards. 

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Reading Eggs is the award-winning online programme that makes learning to read easy and fun for ages 2–13. Based on solid scientific research, the programme is designed by experienced educators and includes one-on-one lessons, motivating rewards and over 2500 e-books.They are currently offering an exclusive 4 week trial for MummyPages fans. To claim your special trial, simply visit

