The old saying goes, that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but it could do a lot more than that for our health, according to new research.
A study carried by scientists at Washington State University has found that eating a Granny Smith apple everyday may help reduce the risk of obesity.
The report found that, with a mere 52 calories and a low carbohydrate content, Granny Smith apples keep us feeling fuller for longer, keeping those dreaded hunger pangs at bay for longer.
As well as filling us up, the report published in health journal Food Chemistry found that these green apples have also been found to boost healthy bacteria in our stomach.
Why Granny Smiths specifically, we hear you ask? The study showed that, in comparison to other varieties, these green apples contain the highest amount of those non-digestible compounds that promote friendly bacteria growth in the gut.
Also a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C, this latest research serves up yet another reason why we should ensure that apples form a part of our required five-a-day.

