Baby’s room is done, you’ve stocked the fridge, you've read every parenting book possible and you’ve said goodbye to your dignity, so you're totally prepared for motherhood, right?


Well, unless you've considered the following, you might not be totally ready! 


Accepting that you won't sleep when baby does 

Everyone tells you to sleep when baby sleeps, but apart from the first few days, you probably won’t. The dishes won’t get done and the washing will pile up if you put your head down every time baby does! But, honestly, you’ll be surprised by how little sleep you actually need to function.


You won’t have spare income to spend on yourself

Kids are expensive. Very expensive. And no matter how much you earn, any spare income you have will go on Baby! That expensive make-up you used to buy will be replaced with something a little cheaper – you won’t mind though, usually!


The sheer love for this tiny person

We’re sure you’ve heard it before, but you definitely won’t be able to prepare yourself for the sheer love that you will feel for this tiny person. It is all consuming and truly incredible.


The fact you will always need to be in two places at once  

As soon as Baby arrives you'll really understand just what it means to be in demand! You’ll have a list of jobs to do longer than your arm and you will never get to the end of it - motherhood is a busy, busy time. But when all’s said and done and you kiss your little one goodnight, no matter how hectic the day may have been you’ll feel content.  


The way you will love your other half

If you think you love them now, wait until Baby arrives. You’ll experience a whole new kind of love when they pick your little one up and cuddle them.


You will miss a part of your old life

Now don’t get us wrong, we don’t mean you’ll be longing for your pre-baby days, but you may miss the fact that you can’t laze about in the pub when it’s sunny or head to the cinema to see the latest flick. Although Baby’s smile will mean you won’t feel this way for long!


Just how emotional you will be 

It can take awhile for your hormones to return to their pre-baby state but even when everything has settled down you’ll feel a lot more emotional than normal; you’ll cry because your baby smiled or you’ll become more sensitive to children of the world – often these feelings can be overwhelming.


Now you're ready, phew! 


